約 17,142 結果
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 29-30 31-32 33-34 23-24 25-26 27-28 10 11 11.5 12 5 5.5 6 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 12" x 22" 12"x18" 31" x 15.5" One Size 35 26-27 L M S ワンサイズ 20-21 22-23 24-25 28-29 30-31 32-33 34 35-36 37-38 39-40 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 M10 M12 N10 N6 N8 XL XS
キッズ ユニセックス Men Women メンズ レディース
ブラック ホワイト グレー トゥルーネイビー レッド ロイヤルブルー ネイビー バーントオレンジ ブルー アイスブルー アイボリー アイランドリーフ ウォッシュドデニム オーキッド カーキ キウイ クランチベリー クランベリー クリムゾン グラス グラニット グラファイト グレープ コショウ シトラス シャクヤク シャンブレー シーフォーム スイカ セージ チョーキーミント チリ ツルニチニチソウ テラコッタ デニム バイオレット バター バナナ ブライトサーモン ブルージーンズ ブルースプルース ブルーネイビー ブロッサム ヘリコニア ヘンプ ベイ ベリー マスタード ミスティックブルー ミッドナイト メロン モス ヤムイモ ライトグリーン ラグーンブルー レンガ ロイヤルカリブ パープル Dark Green True Navy ケリーグリーン ゴールド チャコール トゥルーレッド トゥルーロイヤル ハンターグリーン イエロー オレンジ グリーン ダークレッド ピンク ブラウン ライトピンク ライトブルー アーミーグリーン オリーブグリーン/ブラック オレンジ/ブラック オレンジ/ホワイト クラスタ グレー/ブラック グレーカモ サンド スコティッシュブルー ストーン ターコイズブルー ダッシングレッド ダークグリーン ダークグレー ダークグレー/オレンジ ダークグレー/グリーンメッシュ ダークブルー トゥルーピンク ニッケル ネイビー/ブラック ネイビーブルー ネイビーブルーカモ ブラック/イエロー ブラック/グレー ブラック/ダークグレー ブラック/ブラック ブラックカモ ホワイトカモ ホワイン ライトオリーブ ライトグレー ライトグレー/ホワイト ライトパープル ライトブラウン レッド/ブラック レッド/ブルー/ホワイト レッドカモ ロイヤルブルー/ブラック
以下 ¥3,000 から ¥3,000 - ¥6,000 から ¥6,000 - ¥9,000 から ¥9,000 - ¥12,000
人気 最新 トップビュー 安い側 高い側 割引
  • もっと 1 - 60 of 17,142 ユニークな製品

What does accessory in fashion refer to?

Accessory is a multi-meaning word but in general, it refers to something added to the main thing. In fashion, the accessory is defined as a decorative and contributing item used to supplement and complement clothes in a secondary manner. They help to further express an individual's identity and personality. There are two major types of accessories in fashion including carrying and wearing items that come in different shapes, sizes, hues, etc. In other words, fashion accessories are inevitable parts of outfits.

(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashion_accessory)

How many types of fashion accessories are there?

In fact, we can not list all the names of accessories around us. Here are some ubiquitous ones:

The first item is Jewelry which contains necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and brooches. Many of them are luxurious accessories produced by many well-known firms.

Footwear may be the second name with many practical items such as shoes, boots, and socks, etc.

Headwear such as caps, hats, etc is prevalent as well. They play a significant role as both protection and fashion statement.

 Another important fashion accessory is Hand covering. Gloves are a typical example. Apart from keeping hands warm, they also add elegant style to formal attire.

In addition, some accessories such as belts, buckles, neckties, and neckwear can be grouped into Finishing touches which add critical finishing touches to many outfits

The last item is Walking aids used as an elegant accessory and other times out of medical necessity. Canes and walking sticks are examples of them.

(Source: https://fashion-history.lovetoknow.com/fashion-accessories)

How has the evolution of fashion accessories been?

There is no evidence to determine when and how fashion accessories were invented. As for clothing, perhaps they appeared at the same time as the existence of human beings. In fact, just a few details of fashion supplement items’ history are revealed.

Some accessories in Victorian times such as fans, parasols, and gloves were popular because they relate to how women experienced gender, race, and class. However, in this era, those accessories were used as protection items. It was not until the early 16th century that hat badges were worn by civilian men of higher social status as a decorative item and the cap badges worn by the invading military in Italy. There was a dramatic change in accessories from protective things to fashionable statements. 

Particularly, in the 1950s and 1960s, along with the strong and glorious development of clothing, accessories have become more and more prevalent and important. They are diversified in terms of types, materials, using purposes, etc. 

(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fashion_accessory#History)

How many types of accessories does Printerval have?

So far, we have been selling five main types of fashion accessories on Printerval.com. They are:  

  • Caps ( cost from under $20 to $23)
  • Bucket Hats ( cost around $19)
  • Bags ( cost from $15 to $31)
  • Flip Flops ( cost around $25)
  • Socks ( cost around $17) 

Except for those, we continue updating and selling more and more stylish and exclusive items so that you will have a sense of diversity when you access and stay on our shopping website Printerval.com.

The reasons why you should buy fashion accessories on Printerval? 

Low cost but high quality

We often have many discount programs which provide you accessories at the sale price. With cheap and good accessories, we ensure that shopping on Printerval.com will bring you much satisfaction and fulfillment. With reliability and dedication as our pivot operating principles, we focus on manufacturing accessories with excellent quality by using suitable, comfortable, and ecological materials. In addition, we have a strict supervising team to make sure that every detail, every texture on accessories is subtle and unique. 

Diversity in terms of sizes, styles, colors

You will be impressed when accessing Printerval.com not only because of its eye-catching and system but also due to the abundance of products to sell on it.

We provide customers with multiple sizes for kids, adults, even for plus-size guys, along with various styles and colors for various occasions, environments. You can shop now to enjoy that feeling. 

Trendy, exclusive, and subtle designs

POD or Printed-on-demand is our strength and concentration. We would like to help you to express your personality, identity, and messages on what you wear. As a result, we cooperated with many reputable designing teams to create the most trendy, exclusive, and subtle accessories for you. We believe that uniqueness is a significant element to make you special and attractive. 

Fast and safe shipping

We have a wide and stable logistics and transportations system spreading in hundreds of countries in the world. Therefore, no matter what country you live in, we still ensure door-to-door delivery for you. Believe in us!

In addition, we attempt to minimize the risk for your items during the shipping process through practical policies and close coordination.

If you are looking for nice, fantastic, and unique accessories for your wardrobe, Printerval is a place you should try. We ensure that you will feel happy and satisfied with your shopping time when you come to us.

Let’s explore yourselves on Printerval.com!