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What is Tank top?
When the burning days are upon us, a tank top is an inevitable item in the wardrobe but can you define it fully? Tank top is a type of shirt without sleeves and collar which can be worn as undershirts, athletic uniforms or casual clothes depending on style and design. The word “ tank” means “ pool” or we can call a swimming pool a swimming tank. Perhaps you will wonder why we do not name this kind of shirt as “ pool tops”. It is funny but not nonsense. In previous times, tank tops can be known as swimming tanks or tank suits and they mostly were worn by females.
In general, tank tops were sleeves. The earliest tank top was pretty similar to the modern-day one but there was a little bit of difference relating to design. That tank top had an added piece that resembled shorts in order to cover the top half of the thighs. However, it has changed dramatically in the current day.
How many tank tops are there nowadays?
Here are some familiar tank top that we usually see in the gym, street, etc worn by both men and women: Athletic Tank Tops, Backless Tank Tops, Basic White Tank Tops, Cut-Out Tank Tops, Double Layer Tank Tops, Muscle Tank Tops, Halter Tank Tops, etc.
How has the evolution of tank tops been?
The tank top originally was born in the 1920s as the swimming uniform for women competing in the Olympic Games. At that time, it was called a swimming tank or tank suit. However, before that men and women had not been encouraged to show their arms off in public. The invention of tank tops has brought a new wave of fashionable trends.
In the period from the 30s to 70s, tank tops became common in Western society and with both women and men. Typically, it was worn by many actors in movies that made it increasingly popular in the fashion market. In the 70s, in particular, the world witnessed an unprecedented change with tank tops thanks to the movie, music videos, and celebrities. Tank tops moved to the liberal ages.
The evolution of tank tops has been successful since the 1980s when tank tops were worn not only by normal people and celebrities but also soldiers as a uniform, for example by the German army. As a result, tank tops have been sold at many fashion shops. Through developing history, tank tops have been diversified with a variety of styles and colors to meet the different demands of customers.
Along with that, we- Printerval.com as an online shopping website gives you the reason why you should purchase tank tops on our web.
(Source: thefactshop.com )
Why should you buy tank top on Printerval?
Printerval serves you with exclusive and unique designs from talented designers around the world
To ensure the design on your tank top is unique, arctic, and meaningful, we have cooperated with many well-known designers and put our enthusiastic sentiments into our design with the aim of giving you the best tank top with soul and specific meaning. As a result, you do not need to worry about fashion clashing with others and completely trust in our printing technology.
Printerval sells products with a variety of design styles
Our talented and disciplined design team will provide you with multiple designs on your demand. Some of the most prevalent designs include Skull style, Viking style, Gothic style, Pinball style, 4th of July style, Unvaccinated style, etc. No matter what theme you want on your tank top, Printerval.com sells it for you.
Printerval gives you a diversity of styles, colors, and designs
You can freely make your choice on our shopping website as there are a large number of styles for men and women, kids and teenagers as well as many different colors in accordance with your skin tone. In addition, we also offer a huge number of tank tops for different purposes such as sports playing, casual wearing, running, or sleeping, etc. Nevertheless, our talented and disciplined designing team will provide you with multiple designs on your demand. A cicada design for summer sound is a typical example.
Printerval offers you a reasonable price
With around $10 that you can own a cool, unique, and qualified tank top for your own from Printerval. Our tank tops are especially priced from $10-$30. It is really an ideal price for this fashion item. Particularly, we are a realiable shop online that you do not need to have any concern about the quality and our reputation. In the current day when the pace of life is very fast, that requires you to measure your time spending carefully. Time has become more valuable than ever. It is true that online shopping is really not a bad option.
Printerval sells tank tops with high-quality materials and full labels.
You can check materials and labels when you read the product description on Printerval.com. The label plays an important role in any product, especially apparel. Therefore, purchasing tank tops with full labels helps you feel secure about our legitimate commercial operation, our brand and know essential information about the item.
Printerval takes care of every detail in products
During the designing and printing process, we pay the highest attention to micro details in our products. We attempt to provide customers with many beautiful textures and sophisticated lines. With us, perfection is created by every small detail which lays the foundation for great art in our apparel.
Printerval has a flexible payment method
As long as you have a visa card, you can purchase tank tops and every item on Printerval.com. We use $ as the standard payment method so no matter what country you live in, you can access, choose and buy products on our shopping website.
Printerval has clear and fast shipping delivery, bonus other policies
We have a wide and flexible shipping network in many different countries, different continents. You can access Printerval Shipping & Delivery for more detail.
How to choose the right Tank Tops for your own?
Choose based on materials and characteristics of the fabric
Tank tops can be made of two major materials including 100% cotton and a blend of cotton and polyester.
Tank top constructed from 100% cotton is not only durable but also natural and absorbent. Due to its good watering absorbance, it dries quickly and wicks moisture highly. You can wash cotton in high heat, and this fabric drapes well on your body. In addition, this kind of fabric allows the breeze to pass through while wicking moisture away from your skin to help you stay cool and dry.
If a tank is made of cotton/polyester blend, it is an ideal choice for tank top because it has the softness and breathability of cotton as well as the ease of care of polyester. This type of material is not really as breathable as 100 percent cotton, but they are still pretty cool and comfortable on hot days. Especially, due to its wrinkle-resistant feature, it is ideal in any situation.
Choose based on sizes
On Printerval.com, there are tables of standard size for tank tops that you can use as references when you buy this kind of apparel.
By inch:
Size |
Length |
Bust |
Shoulder |
Sleeve |
XS |
25.5 |
36 |
16 |
26 |
S |
26 |
40 |
17 |
26 |
M |
28 |
44 |
18 |
27 |
L |
28 |
48 |
19 |
27 |
XL |
30 |
52 |
20 |
28 |
2XL |
30 |
56 |
21 |
28 |
3XL |
31 |
60 |
22 |
28 |
4XL |
32 |
64 |
24 |
28 |
5XL |
33 |
68 |
25 |
29 |
By centimeter:
Size |
Length |
Bust |
Shoulder |
Sleeve |
XS |
65 |
92 |
41 |
67 |
S |
67 |
102 |
44 |
67 |
M |
72 |
112 |
46 |
69 |
L |
72 |
122 |
49 |
69 |
XL |
77 |
133 |
51 |
72 |
2XL |
77 |
143 |
54 |
72 |
3XL |
79 |
153 |
56 |
72 |
4XL |
82 |
163 |
61 |
72 |
5XL |
84 |
173 |
64 |
74 |
Choose based on styles
As I mentioned before, the style of tank top is extremely diverse nowadays. Each style will suit different use cases. For example:
Athletic tank tops which have the shape of a built-in bra are ideal for active workouts and physical activities such as playing tennis, running, etc.
Backless tank tops with a short strip of fabric running down the backside of the tank show most of your back. These tank tops are pretty sexy and dressy depending on the kind of material used to make them. You can totally wear a backless tank top when you join parties, the corporate office, and even weddings.
Basic white tank tops are one of the most popular tank tops because they are easy to accompany with other ensembles. You can wear these styles on formal or casual occasions.
Cut-out tank tops are usually used as underneath items because they often have a loose cut and parts of the sides or back cut out.
There are also more types of tank top in the market, the important thing is to consider carefully, make sure that the tank top you choose is the best one for yourself and your situation.
Choose based on genders and ages
Obviously, tank tops for men will differ for women due to the difference in terms of body shape and body parts. However, that does not mean that women can not wear tank tops for men. They can definitely but the reversing is impossible. On the other hand, tank tops for teenagers will not be the same as ones for the old. Sometimes, there are several funny and ironic cases that it is better that you should avoid when choosing a tank top for your own.
Choose based on colors
When choosing the color of a tank top, there are some factors that you should take into account. Firstly, the circumstance you put a tank top on. Secondly, what item that you will mix with the tank top. Moreover, your skin tone accompanies what color. It seems complicated when choosing the tank top color but in fact, it is not as tricky as you think.
How to buy a good tank top?
Where to buy it?
You can purchase tank tops at apparel shops or some online shopping websites. Printerval.com is an example of an online shop that you can buy. That shopping web sells a variety of tank top both available and designed on demand. The price is not too expensive compared to other shops.
Buy tank top with full labels
Labels carry messages not only for fashion brands but also for customers because they provide all things purchasers need to know about the item they pick on. Cost, materials, user instructions, etc are typical examples. Apart from the logo- it is tactile that you can know the brand name of the producing firm, the label provides you with real-world proof that the tank top venture is a legitimate commercial operation.
Tank top famous brands
Some of the tank top brands you need to know include Volcom Solid Heather, H&M 2-Pack Regular Fit, Todd Snyder Made in L.A, Billabong Graphic, Amiri Bandana-Jacquard Cotton, and Cashmere-Blend, etc. In particular, you can also buy tank tops on Printerval shopping online.
How to wear Tank Tops?
As an outfit, you can mix a tank top with your favorite pair of jeans, skirt, or leggings in order to make it the center of attention.
As an inner item, you can pair your tank top with a button-up shirt, jacket, or blazer. This style can help you cover some unexpected features on your upper body part. And you will look fashionable naturally.
In addition, you can also match a tank top with a large number of ensembles such as high-waisted shorts, a pencil skirt, etc.
( Source: heirloomclothing.com)
Tank tops are really functional and you can wear them on various occasions both formal and casual. If you are looking for a unique, trendy, and cheap tank top, come and stay on Printerval.com where you can not find a variety of tank tops to accompany your choice.